

Creepy (A Geolocation OSINT Tool) :: Tools

Creepy (A Geolocation OSINT Tool) :: Tools

Creepy is an open-source Geolocation intelligence tool. It collects information about Geolocation by using various social networking platforms and image hosting services that are already published somewhere else. Creepy presents the reports on the map, using a search filter based on the exact location and date. These reports are available in CSV or KML format to export for additional analysis.

Quick Start Instructions

  • Download creepy ( source code or the installers provided here for your platform )
  • Configure the plugins. Edit -> Plugins Configuration -> Select plugin and run the wizards, following the instructions
  • Create a new project : Creepy -> New Project -> Person Based Project . Search for the target selecting the available plugins.
  • Right click on the project -> Analyze Current Project
  • Wait :)
  • The locations will be drawn on the map, once the analysis is complete.
  • Filter locations, export locations, view them on the map.
Installation : Installation Guide

Download Here:

Creepy v1.4.1 Windows x32
Creepy v1.4.1 OSX

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